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We are a team of parents, teachers, and staff working together to enhance our children’s middle school education and experience. Open positions for 2025/26 school year are below!
President: The President coordinates the work of the officers and committees, presides over all meetings of the PTC, keeps parents and staff apprised of the PTC activities, participates in the year end financial audit, ensures compliance with the organizations’ bylaws.
Vice-President of Events: The Vice-President of Events serves as the events coordinator for PTC events, recruits chair people and committee members for non-fundraising events and activities, works with the committees in charge of non-fundraising events, and activities, facilitates communication relating to non-fundraising events to the school community.
Vice-President of Fundraising: The Vice-President of Fundraising serves as the fundraising coordinator for the PTC; schedules the fundraisers in consultation with the administration and Board, recruits chair people and committee members for fundraising events and activities, helps execute fundraising activities and reports information related to fundraising events to the school community.
Secretary: The Secretary records the minutes of each general and Executive Board meeting, prepares and provides minutes for the meeting attendees, creates annual membership roster, prepares and distributes board applications, election ballots, and other items relating to election procedures.
Treasurer: The Treasurer records all receipts, pays all bills as authorized by the Executive Board, attends all events where money may need to be counted, responsible for deposits of received funds and prepares reimbursement checks.
Financial Secretary: The Financial Secretary will maintains organizations financial records, balances the monthly checking account statements and provide copies to the Treasurer, prepares and presents the monthly financial report to the PTC, keeps information of expenditures related to the adopted budget of the PTC, sassist the President in preparing the annual budget to be ratified by the Executive Board and approved by the PTC, responsible for conducting a yearly audit, facilitates the preparation and filing of any tax returns that are required by law.
The Board of Directors shall be composed of both elected and appointed officers.
Administrative Representative: The Principal of Cooley Middle School is the Administrative
Representative to the PTC and works closely with the President to coordinate and approve all events,
meetings, fundraisers and policies.
Teacher Representative: Advises the Board of upcoming events, staff concerns and desires.
She/he maintains a liaison relationship with the Cooley staff and the PTC. (Appointed by Principal of Cooley Middle School).
Site Council Representative: Acts as a liaison between Site Council and PTC. This person may
be any member who attends both the Site Council meetings and the PTC meetings.
Electronic Media Facilitator: Creates and maintains the electronic communication channels (e.g.
website, e-mail) in cooperation with the Secretary and upon authorization of the President.
Hospitality: Coordinates the hospitality function for PTC events such as Staff Appreciation, PTC
meetings, etc. The Hospitality Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the allocated budget, and
delegating to volunteers.
Contact the PTC President with any questions related to how to join the PTC –
The general election meeting to elect the next school year’s officers will be held at the final PTC meeting of the current school year. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote, and announced prior to the conclusion of the final PTC meeting of the current school year, and published to the school community. Complete information on the PTC election process can be found in the PTC bylaws at: